3D Printer
Our Prusa I3 MK3S is available for printing small-scale 3D printing projects.
Use of the 3D printers is limited to patrons ages 16 and up.
Mandatory 3D Printer Training is required before using the machine, and all users must follow our 3D Printing Policy.
To complete the training, follow these steps:
- Watch the How to Use the Prusa 3D Printer and the Original Prusa i3 MK3 Guide for a New User videos on YouTube.
- Read KFPL's 3D Printing Policy.
- Carefully review all of the information on this page.
After reviewing all of the information, sign into your Create Space account and take the 3D Printing Quiz. If you have any issues answering the questions on the question, review the information from the Steps above.
Once you have successfully completed the quiz, you will be able to make use of the 3D Printer in the KFPL Create Space.
Using the 3D Printer
SD Cards
You may design a 3D model at home, or find a ready-made design online, and save it to your own SD card to bring with you, or use one of the sample print jobs on the SD card we have provided.
Please note that use of the 3D printer requires a design file to be saved to an SD card. The SD Card must be smaller than 32GB and formatted in FAT32. The Prusas are able to print from G Code files, however we provide the ability to use Slicer software which can turn the OBJ or STL files into the G Code required. It is recommended to watch some instructional videos on how to use a Slicer before attempting to use it.
3D Filament
Only KFPL-provided filament may be used in the 3D printers to prevent damage to the machine. Materials are provided for a fee on a sliding scale of $0 to $20.
Following your appointment, staff at the main service desk will accept the payment you feel is reasonable for your print job based on the amount of filament you used, what you can afford to pay, and what you may wish to pay forward to support others who use the machine.
The Prusa 3D Printer
Original Prusa i3 MK3 Guide for a New User
Recommended Courses
The following courses can be watched on LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com).
Learning Tinkercad with Kacie Hultgren
Designing a Replacement Part using 3D printing
Project-Based Learning STEM to STEAM with Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy
Recommended YouTube channels
Frequently Asked Questions
What material does the printer work with?
Our printers "print" (extrude) PLA plastic, a corn-based product. We usually have several colours of this plastic available.
What is the maximum size of object I can print at the library?
The object or part thereof must fit within the confines of the build area in the printer, with a maximum build volume of 25X21X21 cm (9.84"X8.3"X8.3"), and the object must be printed within your appointment time.
I am not sure what to print. Any suggestions?
If you are interested in a ready-made design, we recommend checking out the collection of free designs on a website such as Thingiverse or YouMagine. You can browse objects and designs by category, by collection or by using searches.
If you are interested in designing your own object, a good place to start is with LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) (free access is available through kfpl.ca with your library card number and PIN). You can also start your learning about 3D design with one of the many titles available through OverDrive. All of these learning resources are available via our website and are free to you with a valid library membership.
Library Policy
Read our official library 3D Printing Policy.